EAAI-24: The 14th Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence

Vancouver, Canada   Collocated with AAAI-24
Feb. 24-25, 2024

Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence



EAAI-24 Program Schedule

The EAAI-24 publications in the Proceedings of the AAAI-24 Conference on Artificial Intelligence can be found here

Saturday, February 24, 2024

All times are Pacific Time Zone. All EAAI sessions are located in Room 118 unless otherwise posted below.

8:30 - 8:45: Welcome
Marion Neumann and Stephanie Rosenthal

8:45 - 9:45: Main Track I
Curriculum and Professional Development and Design
Chair: Narges Norouzi

9:45 - 10:20: AI for Education I
Behavior Analysis
Chairs: Collin Lynch and Effat Farhana

10:20 - 10:45: Mentored Undergraduate Research Challenge I
Chair: Rick Freedman

10:45 - 11:15: Coffee Break

11:15 - 11:55: Resources for Teaching AI in K-12 I
High School Resources
Chairs: Christina Gardner-McCune and Dave Touretzky

12:00 - 12:30: Blue Sky Ideas
Chair: Marion Neumann

12:30 - 2:00: Lunch Break

2:00 - 3:15: AAAI/EAAI Patrick Henry Winston Outstanding Educator Award
Michael Littman and Charles Isbell: AI Education in the Age of AI

3:15 - 3:45: Coffee Break

3:45 - 4:10: Main Track II
Student Assessment
Chairs: Narges Norouzi

4:10 - 4:45: Mentored Undergraduate Research Challenge II
Chair: Rick Freedman

4:45 - 5:30: AI for Education II
Supporting Teachers
Chair: Collin Lynch and Effat Farhana

Sunday, February 25, 2024

8:30 - 8:40: Announcements
Marion Neumann and Stephanie Rosenthal

8:40 - 9:40: Main Track III
Tools for Teachers and Activities for Students
Chair: Fred Martin

9:45 - 10:45: Model AI Assignments
Chair: Todd Neller. MAIA Repository: (http://modelai.gettysburg.edu)

10:45 - 11:15: Coffee Break

11:15 - 12:30: Birds of a Feather

  1. Room 118: Preparing Model AI Assignment Resources in Support of CS2023: ACM/IEEE-CS/AAAI Computer Science Curricula (Todd Neller)
  2. Room 119: AI Literacy and CS in the Age of AI: Guidance for Primary and Secondary Education (Charlotte Dungan)
  3. Room 120: Changing Pedagogy in the Age of Generative AI (Chris Brooks)

12:30 - 2:00: Lunch Break

2:00 - 3:15: Resources for Teaching AI in K-12 II
Applied AI in the Classroom
Chairs: Christina Gardner-McCune and Dave Touretzky

3:15 - 3:45: Coffee Break

3:45 - 4:30: AI for Education III
Q&A and Text
Chairs: Collin Lynch and Effat Farhana

4:30 - 5:00: EAAI Community Meeting


Main Track

The main track invites a broad range of papers on teaching AI and teaching with AI. Submissions may be framed as research papers or as experience reports. Potential topics include:

Special Track: AI for Education

Chair: Collin F. Lynch (North Carolina State University)

Educational domains provide unique task areas and challenges for AI, and they provide unique opportunities for positive impacts. This special track invites research on advances in AI applied to educational tasks and domains including novel student models, intelligent learning environments, automated assistants, and instructional support.

Submissions should be framed as research publications consistent with the general call.

Special Track: Resources for Teaching AI in K-12

Chairs: Dave Touretzky (Carnegie Mellon) and Christina Gardner-McCune (University of Florida)

This special track invites papers on the development and use of resources to support K-12 AI education. Examples include online demos, software tools, and structured activities. Submissions should follow the standard EAAI format for an academic paper and include the following: description of the resource; target age group; setup and resources needed; AI concepts addressed; expected learning outcomes; and (if possible) implementation results. Online demos and software tools should be accompanied by brief video walk-throughs.

Special Track: EAAI Mentored Undergraduate Research Challenge 2023: Human-Aware AI in Sound and Music

Chair: Rick Freedman (SIFT)

This special track invites papers addressing the Mentored Undergraduate Research Challenge topic of the year. The objective of this year's challenge is to perform and publish research on human-aware AI in the application of sound and music. The broader purpose of EAAI mentored undergraduate research challenges is to encourage undergraduate students to experience the full life-cycle of AI research through the guidance of a mentor familiar with the research life-cycle.

Submissions should be framed as research papers, with at least one undergraduate (including community college) student author and at least one mentor (faculty or Ph.D.-holding) author.

Special Track: Model AI Assignments Session

Chair: Todd Neller (Gettysburg College)

This special track invites assignments for AI classes. Good assignments take a lot of work to design. If an assignment you have developed may be useful to other AI educators, this track provides an opportunity to share it. Model AI Assignments are kept in a public online archive.

This track has special submission instructions (http://modelai.gettysburg.edu).

Review Criteria

Submissions will be reviewed for:

Submission Instructions

All submissions must be anonymous for double-blind review.

Except for Model AI Assignments, which have their own format, papers should be:

EAAI-24 will not consider any paper that, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published or accepted for publication in a refereed journal or conference. Once submitted to EAAI-23, papers may not be submitted to another refereed journal or conference during the review period. These restrictions do not apply to unrefereed forums or workshops without archival proceedings.

EAAI-24 Organizers

Program co-Chairs

Organizing Committee

Main Track Chairs

AI for Education Track Chairs

K12 Track Chairs

Mentored Undergraduate Research Challenge Chairs

Model AI Assignments Chairs

Program Committee

Main Track

Model AI Assignments

Resources for Teaching AI in K-12

Mentored Undergraduate Research Challenge 2023: Human-Aware AI in Sound and Music

AI for Education

The following links are to various material on AAAI-24 and EAAI-24.

Support for EAAI-24

Generous support for EAAI is made available by: